Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ephesians and Philippinians

Read pp 408-409. Answer the following questions and post your answers to your blog:
a. What kind of letter is Ephesians?

An upbeat and Paul's most positive

b. What is Paul's "Main Point"?
Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. Eph. 5:2

c. Who is this letter from?

Read page 412 "To Do List for the Mature". Answer the following questions and post your answers to your blog:
a. How does Paul say we can gauge the maturity of our faith?

he doesnt give us a scale

b. What's on Paul's List for "keeping us on track"? List them out.
-stop telling lies

-don't let anger control you
-give generously to others
-dont use foul or abusive language
-be kind to each other, tenderhearted, and forgiving
- stay away from sexual immmorality and obscene jokes
- dont get drunk
-instead fill yourself with God's spirit and sing his praise

Read page 415 "Suit Up for Spiritual Battle". Answer the following questions and post your answers to your blog:
a. If Christians aren't fighting against Romans, who are they fighting against?

the devil

b. What are the pieces of physical armor Paul is talking about and what is its spiritual equal?
belt- truth

body armor- God's righteousness
shoes- peace from the good news
sheild- faith
helmet- salvation
sword- word of God

Read "The Race of Our Lives" on page 421. Write a 1 paragraph summary about this passage and post it to your blog. What stuck out to you? Why is this verse so important to us as believers?

In this passage, Paul compares the spiritual journey to running a race. During this time the Greeks were holding an Olympic-style competition. The point he made about moving forward to what God has for us stuck out the most. We have to forget the past and our past mistakes and keep moving forward. Our finish line is Heaven. We all need to run the spiritual race to get to Heaven.

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