Monday, September 14, 2009

John Book Assignment

Read pp 347-348 and answer the following questions:

How is John so different from Matthew, Mark & Luke?
John skipped Jesus' parables and records only 7 of Jesus' miracles.

What does “synoptic” mean?
"Viewing togther."

John writes with what “one purpose”?
To prove the deity of Jesus.

What does John 3:16 say?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

Who was Martin Luther?
He was the Catholic priest who, in the 1500s, launched the Protestant movement by aruging tha twe're saved by faith, not by obedience to church leaders.

What’s the “Main Point” of John?
"So that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him you will have life by the power of His name."

When was it written?
Late i nteh first century, perhaps in the AD 90's

Read page 349 “Jesus at Creation” and answer the following questions:
What does John 1:1 say?

In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

How does John get his point across to 2 different cultures (Greeks & Jews)?
Describing Jesus as the Word adn using layered meanings.

What does “Logos” mean in Greek?
Jesus the Word

Greek philosophers teach that “logos” means what?
The mysterious principle behind the universe

Read pp. 351-352 “You Must Be Born Again” and answer the following questions:
What does John 3:3 say?
"I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God."

Who was Nicodemus?
He's a biblical scholar and one of abotu 70 Jews on the ruling Jewish council known as teh Sanhedrin.

Who are the Sanhedrin?
A council that create and enforce Jewish laws.

I will give you the “Miracle”, you give me the “Message”:
Turns water into wine = Jesus is still the master of creation.

Heals crippled man on Sabbath = Jesus isn't limited by time. Some Jewish scholars say it's wrong to treat the sick on the Sabbath unless the patient is on the brink of dying.

Walks on water = Jesus isn't limited by physics

Heals a man born blind = Jesus brings light into the world, both physical and spiritual.

Raises Lazarus from the dead = Even death is no match for the Son of God.

Read page 358 “Where Was Jesus Buried” and answer the following questions:
Tradition #1 states Jesus was buried where?
Church of the Holy Seputcher built over tomb.

What did Hadrian do?
Built Roman shrines over Christian holy sights

What did Constantine do?
Legalized Christianity, demolished Hadrian's temple, and built an early version of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

What does the painting from the 1800s show?
A small chapel inside the church's domed rotunda

This church is protected by what today?
The walls of Jerusalem

Tradition #2 states Jesus was buried where?
Near a garden

How far is it from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?
Several hundred yards

Who was General Charles Gordon?
The man who picked Jesus's burial site near a garden

What does “Gologotha” mean and why is it significant?
"Place of the Skull." It was where Jesus was killed

After reading both traditions, where do you think Jesus is buried?
Brooke: Garden Tomb
Ashley: Garden Tomb

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