Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Luke Book Assignment

Who is Theophilus or who might he have been?

He may have been a Christian who hired Luke to research the birth of Christianity or a Roman official in charge of Paul's trial in Rome.

How much of the NT was written b/c of him?

Luke and Acts

Who is the author of Luke?

Luke, a non-Jewish doctor

Without Luke’s letter to Theophilus, what would we be missing? (list it out) Also, what “word” would we be missing?

The story of baby Jesus, the parable of the Good Samaritan, the widow who donated her last mite, and the parable of the Prodical Son. "Saviour."

What does Luke 2:10-11 say?

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ[a] the Lord.

What’s the “Main Point” of Luke?

Jesus has come to save everyone, not just the Jews.

When was Luke written?

From 6 B.C. to 30 A.D.

Read pp.335-336 “BOY Prodigy” and answer the following questions:
What is a “bar-mitzvah”?

A coming of age ritual for Jewish boys

Why did Jesus and his family go to Jerusalem?

For the springtime Passover Festival

Where did Mary & Joseph find Jesus? What was he doing?

One of the temple courtyards, wowing the Jewish teachers with His insights about the Jewish religion

How did Jesus answer?

"Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?"

Jesus already “seems to understand” what?

That He has a unique relationship to His spiritual Father and a mission to fulfill

Read pp. 340-341 “The Good Samaritan” and answer the following questions:
What does Luke 10:25 say?

One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: “Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”

How does Jesus answer?

Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself

Conventional Jewish wisdom says neighbors include who?

Other Jews, not sinners or foreigners

Sum up Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan.

Robbers mug a man traveling on a deserted road. And two Jewish leaders walk right past him. But a despised Samaritan, a non Jew, helps him.

Who ended up treating the man’s wounds?

The Samaritan

Why do Jews despise Samaritans?

They consider them half-breeds. Samaritans are a race of Jews who intermarried with Assyrian pioneers.

Who was a neighbor to the man?

The one who showed him mercy.

What does Luke 10:36-37 say?

“Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked. 37 The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”

Read pp.344-345 “A Doctor’s Guide to Jesus’ Crucifixion” and answer the following questions:
Describe the beating of Jesus.

He was stripped and tied to a pole. Shards of metal and bone are laced into the leather whip. Pain and blood loss create shock.

Describe the “dead man walking” phase.

Victim carries crossbeam to execution site. Seat prolongs torture.

Describe the “nailed” phase.

Iron nails pin wrists and feet to cross. Nails miss main arteries and bones. Offered wine laced with pain killing myrrh.

Describe the “breath of life” phase.

Position and weight of body forces victim's body to push up to exhale.

Describe the “speared” phase.

Soldier confirms death by stabbign the heart. By this time, hsock has started separating blood into two basic elements : cell clusters and amber-colored serum.

Finally, each person in your group should post a 1-paragraph summary to the blog about what stuck out to you from the “Guide to Jesus’ Crucifixion”. What did you learn that you didn’t already know before?

Brooke: There was a lot that stuck out to me, in this section. First of all, I didnt know that there was a seat on the cross. It was used to prolong the torture, and make it easier to breath. I always think of the cross at "t" shaped too not "T" shaped. I never realized that the wine Jesus had refused was going to be used to kill the pain. I couldnt imagine what he went through. I had always heard that the position on the cross made it hard to breath. I didnt know that they would break the persons legs to make it even harder, because in order to exhale they had to push up. Jesus died before they had to break his legs.

Ashley: I didn't know that getting beat with the whip caused shock. I didn't know there was a seat on the cross and tha the purpose for it was to prolong the torture of the victim. I didn't know that the wine they offered was laced with myrrh or frankincense to kill the pain. I didn't know that they broke the legs and it helped speed up the death process. When the heart is stabbed, shock makes the blood separate into cell clusters and amber-colored serum. The possible cause of death: a combination of shock, exhaustion, asphyxiation, and heart failure.

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